Page 5

Someone once told me that when they begin a journal they start writing five pages in, so they start writing immediately, but they can go back and write a better introduction on the first page. 

I've always been too impatient for hand-written journals, mostly due to growing up with computers where you can type fast and edit with impunity, but also because I write in tiny block letters like a serial killer. Don't read too much into that. So this is my Page 5. 

I realize that the first entry can always be rewritten, but I am probably too lazy to rewrite this, so just pretend that there are five blank posts before this, or that this is brilliant. I am good either way. 

I am starting this as an exercise in writing and philosophy. The goal is to challenge me to always look for the humor in life, to always be writing and to hopefully entertain those who stop by. The Corner Café is just a place to share my little corner of the world with you.

 So without any further delay, since I am only about six years behind the blogging trend, here goes nothing...

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