Health, Happiness + Wombats

So this is less of a humor-related entry, so if you don't find it funny then look up wombat videos on YouTube or something

Anyway, lately I sort of lost the romance with my healthy pursuits by focusing too much on the results. I feel like I only participate in the things I love solely to improve, be better, faster, win more matches, beat personal bests and so on. So I have rededicated myself to the lofty goal of actually enjoying my hobbies.

I noticed recently, that tennis went from being a rediscovery of a lifelong sport I cherished to a vague repeat of high school matches, which turned something precious into a pressure-fueled competition where I didn't look forward to playing, only to winning (or truthfully, not losing).

About a year ago I started playing again and found utter joy in both the physical and social aspects of tennis. I was just happy to be back on the courts, meeting new people and playing a game I missed. But then my mindset changed...

I started playing in leagues and in a competitive setting and while tennis will always have winners and losers, I found myself fearing the loss and fighting to win. This drive came from a place inside me that was more about not disappointing my teammates than anything else. Competition is undoubtedly an exhilarating feeling, but it also cheapened my experience on the courts and stressed me out to no end.

I also found that when I felt no pressure, from myself or anyone else, that I played better, smiled more and was generally fun to be around (although I do tend to let loose a few replacement expletives or, as I call them, replexitives). And really, the whole point of a hobby is to be something that you enjoy, not that ignites your desire to crush your fellow man and/or woman, or both in the case of mixed doubles...

Tennis is just one example, I often find that my other pursuits like mountain biking are done more out of an obligation or a quest, not for the sake of adventure. So I think, I'll take a step back and remember the reason I do all of the things that I do; for the pure sake of enjoying them. Including my burgeoning interest in wombat wrestling.

Regardless, this push back to actually loving the things you do will increase my happiness and likely bring more ridiculous stories for you here, or I might start writing really bad nature poems...I figure its pretty much win-win. (Click Here for your Wombat Video).


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