This video not likely to go viral, but the shaking still might make you there's that.

Instead of writing in vivid detail about my latest adventure on the bike, I am taking the lazy way out. I used a new POV camera and shot a borderline interesting video. So if you don't feel like reading any of this you can skip to the highlights and watch the clip. Although technically its not a clip because the whole video is like 8 minutes...

I should also warn you that this was the second attempt, and the first successful one, so upon seeing the footage I realized that I need to angle the lens so you can see more of the trail and take more time on my establishing shots...I was going too fast for a real clear shot, even though I thought I was taking a long, slow shot. Also, on my first attempt I had enough battery power to make a short intro, put the helmet on and pedal twice before the camera died. This one is slightly longer than that 16 second gem...

So that was the video of my usual ride. The ride is pretty short, I park the car on the side of the road, ride the asphalt to the top (which is where the video started, because no one wants to hear me pant and sing along horribly to my iPod for twenty-five minutes), then ride the fire trails and connecting trails back to the car. Its a quick ride and there are some good photo ops and sweet downhills. A fun ride to squeeze in during the week. 

Ironically, it probably took longer to watch the video than to read this post, but thems the breaks. 

I hope you liked it and there will probably be more videos to come as I continue my quest for documenting silly things I try and therefore solidifying my eternal embarrassment on the internet...

PS. I am also thrilled that the screenshot of the video YouTube used was a picture of cow sh*t...Those rascals at YouTube may be on to something. 


  1. This sure gave me a fell for the downhill! Whew! Thank you for not sharing the agony of the uphill.


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